Jumat, 27 April 2012

History of Desa Gebang

Keraton Gebang
Prince is the son of Prince Pasarean Wirasuta, crown prince of the empire Cirebon. Ahead of old age, Prince Wirasuta settled around the Mediterranean coast of Java with a handsome son named Suta and capably titled Prince Sutajaya Wira Upas.
Sutajaya Prince Sultan had the task of Cirebon to clean the forest Roban, a famously haunted forest because many dedemitnya. Implementation of this task is aided by the inheritance of a dagger named Satan Kober and assisted Pawongan of the Jin called the Lorod. It is said that the Lorod not subject to the Prince Sutajaya, but my eyes to the inheritance of the Devil Kris Kober.
After completion of the task of clearing the forest Roban meleksanakan, Prince Sultan Sutajaya be rewarded in the form of land. The land is a lot of trees gebang. In accordance with the ideals ramandanya want Cirebon spread of Islam in the East, the land was used as a hamlet, named Gebang.

His father's ideals materialize, Gebang become very popular everywhere and continues to grow, especially toward the south to get to the area Ciawi - Kuningan, so then Ciawi called Ciawigebang.
In the golden age, the Prince Sutajaya can make a palace whose existence can rival sultanate palace which was built Cirebon Prince Cakrabuana, fallen even more authoritative. Palace, named Gebang bans were eventually beaten back after a visit to Sultan Cirebon Gebang statements Kesuma son Prince Prince Losari. The incident occurred at approximately the 16th century. Since then the region of Cirebon prohibited other than keratin build Cirebon Sultanate Palace. Hence in Gebang there just is not an imperial family.
Gebang families as follows:
- Prince Sutajaya Wira Upas
- Prince Sutajaya Seda Ing demung
- Prince Nata Sutajaya Manggala
- Prince Sutajaya Pond
- Prince Sutajaya Dalem Grogol
- Prince Sutajaya Kebon Dalem
- Prince Sutajaya Dalem Anom
- Prince Sutajaya End
Villages in the northern coastal district Babakan originally came from a hamlet Gebang.

3 komentar:

  1. Dear Sir; For an enccylopedy kerajaan2 Indonesia I am searching for a more detailed list of the raja2 Gebang. Can you ;please;help me.Thank you. I am a researcher kerajaan2 Indonesia. Salam hormat: DP Tick Holland

    1. thank you Sir, please read is bellow...
      - Prince Sutajaya Wira Upas
      - Prince Sutajaya Seda Ing demung
      - Prince Nata Sutajaya Manggala
      - Prince Sutajaya Pond
      - Prince Sutajaya Dalem Grogol
      - Prince Sutajaya Kebon Dalem
      - Prince Sutajaya Dalem Anom
      - Prince Sutajaya

  2. if you want more complete please come to the palace Kanoman
